After reviewing the documentation for RESTClient and exchanging some emails with the RESTClient developer, he made the suggestion of using HTTPBuilder instead of RESTClient. The code shown below is the call to HTTPBuilder to call the new service. This topic came up in another posting and you can see an alternative approach here.
Points to notice
- The second parameter to HTTPBuilder is setting the default content type to TEXT.
- The request sets the Accept header to 'application/xml'.
- HTTPBuilder.RequestConfigDelegate send method sets the content type to XML
- Success handler gets response from 'reader.text' and then pretty-prints the result back in to a String for easy display.
def txnCreate(TransactionSpec txnSpec, String userid, String pswd) { def conf = Configuration.get(3) if (conf != null) { def ppos = new HTTPBuilder( conf.protocol+"//"+conf.server+":"+conf.port, TEXT ) ppos.headers = [Accept:'application/xml', 'ppos-user':userid, 'ppos-pswd':pswd] try { ppos.request( PUT ) { uri.path = conf.context + conf.url send( XML ) { TransactionSpec ( { delegate.transClassName txnSpec.transClassName delegate.locationNumber txnSpec.locationNumber delegate.currencyCode txnSpec.currencyCode AssociateSpec { delegate.associateNumber txnSpec.associateSpec.associateNumber } delegate.terminalName txnSpec.terminalName LineItemSpecs { for (item in txnSpec.lineItemSpecs) { LineItemSpec { sku(item.sku) quantity(item.quantity) } } } TenderSpecs { for (tender in txnSpec.tenderSpecs) { TenderSpec { tenderCode(tender.tenderCode) cardNumber(tender.cardNumber) expiryDate(tender.expiryDate) track1Data(tender.track1Data) track2Data(tender.track2Data) track3Data(tender.track3Data) preLockNumber(tender.preLockNumber) preLockAmount(tender.preLockAmount) amount(tender.amount) precision(tender.precision) } } } } } // success handler response.success = { resp, reader -> // pretty print format the response def stringWriter = new StringWriter() def node = new XmlParser().parseText(reader.text); new XmlNodePrinter(new PrintWriter(stringWriter)).print(node) return stringWriter.toString() } // failure handler response.failure = { resp -> return 'Response status='+resp.status } } } catch(Exception e) { log.error("Caught exception:", e) return e.toString() } } }
Nicely done . . . thanks for the reference. I just wanted to mention, though, that the article that mentions the RESTClient v. HTTPBuilder is actually Groovy, RESTClient, HTTPBuilder, and PUTting Zip Files.
ReplyDeleteHere is another application of HttpBuilder.